Writing Centers and Access: A Speaker Series
Our commitment to access and accessibility led to the creation of our Accessibility Statement and the theme of our 2nd annual speaker series “Writing Centers and Access.”
This series included talks and workshops from Drs. Jay Dolmage, Margaret Price, Julie Minich, Stephanie Kerschbaum, and Christina Cedillo.
Captioned recordings of these talks and workshops are available on our Youtube channel.

Dr. Jay Dolmage
“Ableism, Access, and Inclusion: Disability in Higher Education Before, During, and After COVID-19”

Dr. Margaret Price
“Everyday Survival and Collective Action: What We Can Learn from Disabled Faculty about Access and Care”

Dr. Julie Minich
“Radical Health: Justice, Care, and Latinx Expressive Culture”

Dr. Stephanie Kerschbaum
“Signs of Disability in the Writing Center”

Dr. Christina Cedillo
“The Time of Writing: Kairos, Chronos, and Pedagogical Consultation”